Saturday, August 24, 2019

Techne and Ecology

As has been previously discussed, the subject of Techne is an Organism, i. e. because Know-How is animated behavior that unifies parts.  So, the attribution of Know-How to non-Human Organisms that is common in contemporary Biology is Anthropomorphic, based on the concept of a Human as a subject of Techne.  Likewise, the consequent general replacement of the Newtonian concept of the World by an Ecological concept, i. e. consisting in the interplay of Organisms, is grounded in the concept of a Human as a subject of Techne.  Now, literally, 'technology' means the 'study of techne', and, hence, of how Technical Knowledge determines behavior, e. g. following a set of instructions.  So, 'Technology', properly speaking, could apply to the process of building tools and instruments, and of operating them.  But, the operation of them in which what they are applied to is conceived as inert Matter is antithetical to the concept of Techne that is systematically related to an Ecological concept of the World.  In other words, the common association with 'technology' and environmental destruction is based on a misuse of that term.  Rather, implicit in that destructiveness is a regression to the Newtonian concept of the World as constituted by inert Matter, an Anthropomorphic concept based on the quasi-Dualistic concept of the Human subject as a Body essentially severed from a Mind/Soul.

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