Thursday, August 1, 2019

Geometry, Theory, Techne

On the one hand, Kant's treatment of Geometry in the context of Human Intuition continues Spinoza's anthropomorphizing of the topic.  But, on the other, by classifying it as an object of Cognition, not as a product of Construction, he seems to regress to the Pythagorean tradition.  However, that apparent regression is actually due to an underdevelopment of his own system.  For, entailed in his eventual subordination of Theory to Practice is a revision of the role of Intuition in Experience--from mere observation, to integration into Action.  Accordingly, Space and Time, revised, are Forms of Action.  Similarly, Geometry and Mathematics, revised, are Forms of Construction, i. e. grounds of the creation of human artifacts, just as is implied by Spinoza's operational definition of a Circle. Tending to confirm this status is the plain fact that while there are no apparent regular Geometrical figures in the non-Human world, they are in abundant evidence in the products of Human creativity--wheels, buildings, etc.  So, the status in Human history of Geometry as a Theoretical Knowledge is provisional and anticipatory--a first stage of its development as a Technical Knowledge.

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