Sunday, August 18, 2019

Monism, Pluralism, Atomism, Capitalism

As has been previously discussed, Monism and Pluralism are inverse varieties of quasi-Dualism.  For, each is a Transcendent Dualism regarding the relation between One and Many, and each privileges one of them.  Now, Atomism seems to be a variety of Pluralism, primarily insofar as it conceives Unity as merely nominal.  However, insofar as Atomism entails the concept of the Externality of Relations, it is Monist.  For, from the perspective of an Atom, all alteriority is inferior to it, an inegalitarianism that is expressed concretely in contemporary Capitalist Selfishness.  Pluralism can avoid dissipation into such Atomism only by recognizing a common unifying factor.  To Smith, the Invisible Hand might function as such a unifying factor in the otherwise Atomist Free Market.  But history has shown that it is as nominal as any other General concept so relegated by Atomists.

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