Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Insight and Causality

With considerable baggage having accrued to the term 'Intuition' over the centuries, a fresher alternative is available in common parlance--'Insight'.  Insight can be the means of access to any of the substrata of Philosophy--Form, Essence, Noumenon, Reality, etc., but without the specifications that have rendered them incompatible, undermining the usefulness of the term.  But the object of Insight is more than such a substratum--also cognized is how the stratum is generated from the substratum, an account that is often lacking in Philosophical systems, e. g. how a Phenomenon develops from a Noumenon.  Hence, the proper object of Insight is Causality.  Thus, Insight qualifies as what Spinoza calls Adequate Knowledge, but it does not reduce to either Intuition or Reason.  For Causality that is the object of Insight is primarily a singular but complex concrete event, e. g. how a murder occurred in a mystery, fiction or non-fiction, i. e. neither homogeneous nor a pattern.

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