Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Techne, Reflection, Evolution

Techne--Know-How--involves the deliberate application of a procedure to a course of action, which involves monitoring one's progress carrying out the procedure, i. e. reflecting on what one has just done.  Thus, Reflection is a factor in Techne, of which the standard  examples of Reflection, e. g. Consciousness of 'I', are derivative cases that abstract from what the 'I' has been doing.  Now, producing the means to satisfying needs involves at least rudimentary Techne.  Hence, it also involves Reflection.  Thus, if, as Marx-Engels posit, Techne distinguishes the Human from other species, and signifies the beginning of Human History, then so, too, does Reflection.  Hence, insofar as the production of such means involves the use of tools, and the use of tools requires the Evolutionary development of the versatile thumb, then Mental correlates of the latter are Techne and Reflection.  Accordingly, Evolutionism entails a concept of Reflection that, contrary to some traditional ones, does not include that Reflection is essentially incorporeal, e. g. is divine Mind contingently incarnate in Humans.

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