Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Interpretation, Change, World, Environment

An interpreter transforms words from one language into those of another.  Thus, the contrast between Interpret and Change is not a sharp as Marx seems to take it to be.  One better alternative is Description vs. Prescription.  But that alternative does not  address one of the implicit issues in the passage in which the contrast appears--the juxtaposition of Feuerbach to the object of his description.  Marx may classify Feuerbach as a Materialist, but the methodology of the latter is Empiricist, and, hence, derives from a Subject vs. Object contrast that, as has been previously discussed, is that of an Organism attempting to detach from an Environment, stopping short of an Adaptation-Of the latter.  But, the object of Feuerbach's description is the Human world, not the Environment that Humans inhabit.  Furthermore, in the German Ideology, Marx-Engels clearly affirm an "empirical way", even though they dub it "Materialist Method", thereby confirming their conflation of Empiricism and Materialism.  So, Marx's Interpret-Change contrast is too simple for this thesis on Feuerbach--whereas Marxist Materialism seeks to change a Human world that is affected by its adaptation of its environment, Feuerbach's Materialism remains content to describe the Human world as if it were its environment.

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