Monday, January 7, 2019

History, Reflection, Transformal Causality

According to Marx-Engels, the production of means to satisfy needs distinguishes the Human species.  It follows that Human History begins with the first such production.  However, it might be an alternative, possibly self-evident, event that signals the beginning of that History--the self-awareness that is presupposed in the self-recording of the species.  Whether or not that is the same moment as that of the first production of the means to satisfy need, i. e. whether or not Reflection and Techne coincide, is not immediately clear.  Regardless, a very likely immediate object of Human reflection is social organization, which, if other species are any indication, likely is constituted pre-reflectively as tribal and/or nuclear family.  Thus, just as the species begins to deliberately modify its environment, it also begins to deliberately modify social organization.  Likewise, just as the former is effected by Transformal Causality, so too is the latter.  Hence, insofar as Transformal Causality is governed by an Evolutionist principle in the modification of its environment, e. g. the harnessing of electricity, so, too, are developments in Political and Economic organization a product of that Causality, governed by that principle.

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