Thursday, June 30, 2011

Will, Consciousness, Homeostasis

Because 'cyberspace' is often associated with the 'information highway', the segment 'cyber' seems equivalent to 'information'. However, 'cyber' has the same root as 'govern', and the ancestor of 'cyberspace', 'cybernetics' was originally coined to indicate the homeostatic capacity of systems, i. e. that they can self-correct. A similar misdirection has tended to beset theories of Consciousness over the centuries--what primarily serves a homeostatic function in an organism is often interpreted as playing an data-processing role. By retaining what, in itself, effects a rupture with its antecedent conditions, Consciousness is, fundamentally, a homeostatic complement to Will, which introduces that discrescence into Experience. This concept of Consciousness is not completely idiosyncratic--Kant, recognizes that Consciousness unifies the experiential manifold, but he falls short of considering that that manifold is primarily produced by the motile dimension of Experience, i. e. by Will. As has been previously discussed, the Retaining effected by Consciousness, interiorizes ongoing Motility, thereby transforming its moments into incomplete phases of a complete process, and, hence, unifying what had been a manifold. So, what Consciousness retains, first and foremost, is not experiential information, but the subject of Will, which, in itself, indefinitely extends beyond previously settled experiential episodes.

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