Monday, June 13, 2011

Will and Improvisation

Bergson's concept of Duration is plainly inspired by the continuity of Music, so, likewise, are the cardinal durational notions of his system--Spirit and Elan Vital. However, his enthusiasm for Music tends to gloss over its Material basis, i. e. the performers and instruments that produce it, and over its discontinuities, i. e. the silence between notes and between beats. Now, his exposure to music was almost certainly only to that which is pre-composed, so he likely did not have the opportunity to appreciate how improvised music more directly exemplifies Elan Vital. Given that opportunity, he might have discovered that Diversification is essential to Creativity, i. e. improvisation is, in general, a variation on a theme, and, in particular, every new passage varies what precedes it. Similarly, Will--the principle of Diversification in Experience--when freed of its involvement in ulterior pursuits, is revealed as essential to the fundamental creativity of all personal action.

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