Saturday, June 11, 2011

Will and Mutation

In standard Evolutionary theory, Mutation is the introduction of Variation into a given organism. Will is, likewise, the process of Mutation at the experiential level. For Bergson, the significance of Mutation is that it is an expression of Spirit transcending a previous state of Matter into which it had descended. Thus, any modification of Matter that it effects in the process is evolutionarily incidental, e. g. the development of opposing thumbs, has, in itself, for him, no intrinsic evolutionary significance. More generally for him, the hierarchical relation between Motion and Inertia is one of Unity and Multiplicity. So, while he recognizes the evolutionary value of the locomotion of the animal kingdom, he cannot appreciate that any evolutionary superiority of the human race is a function of its seemingly unmatched diversity of mobility. Similarly, while he might appreciate that Will qua Motility is a principle of personal growth, he cannot accommodate that Will qua Diversification is.

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