Sunday, June 26, 2011

Will and I

On Kant's analysis, the I of the 'I think' is the source of the unity of Consciousness. On Whitehead's innovative variation, the I only emerges at the end of the Concrescence that produces 'I am conscious of X', i. e. it is a novel I, not either one that precedes the process, or one that remains identical throughout it. Furthermore, for Whitehead, every new I, in turn, becomes a constituent in a subsequent Concrescence that generates a newer I. Now, as has been previously discussed here, Whitehead neglects the discrescent moment that ensues upon the completion of one Concrescence and eventuates in a subsequent Conscrescence. In other words, he does not recognize the I which originates Discrescence. In Formaterialism, experiential Discrescence is Will, so what Whitehead does not recognize is the I that is the initial moment of Will.

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