Monday, March 18, 2019

Will to Power and Increase of Efficacy

Certainty is a condition of an Epistemological subject, the objective correlate of which is Necessity.  Now, Necessity signifies Omnipotence.  Hence, the quest for Certainty that has motivated Philosophers for centuries is easily attributed to a Will to Power.  Similarly, Religion, beginning with the effort to influence a deity who can bestow benefits, e. g. a bountiful harvest, and culminating in a single 'almighty' deity, who can save a Soul, is also easily attributable to a Will to Power.  Accordingly, Efficacy can be defined as the cardinal Value of Will to Power.  But the history of Religion, beginning with the worshipping of local deities, and culminating in that of a single all-purpose deity, evinces another dimension of Will to Power--that it seeks an increase of Efficacy, which Nietzsche misses when mocking the demand for exclusivity of the monotheistic deity.  On that basis, Self-Overcoming is an expression of a conatus to greater Efficacy, and Willing-backwards does not so much liberate Will to Power for Willing-forwards, but establishes a basis for the latter, i. e. a degree of Efficacy that can be increased.

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