Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Reason and Ersatz Freedom

The paradox of heteronomous behavior is that is not experienced as such.  For, such behavior is preceded by a feeling, which is a private event, so that what ensues seems to have a private origin, and, thus, appears to be 'free'.  Hence, as Spinoza argues, liberation from heteronomous influence can begin with the recognition of it as such.  Now, insofar as Reason, for Kant, prompts one to conceive oneself as a member of a macroscopic society, it transports one out of the vulnerability of unwitting privacy, and, hence, from heteronomy.  However, he does not join Spinoza in appreciating the liberating effect of directly recognizing heteronomy for what it is, which may be why he misses that the apparent 'choice' to disobey Reason constitutes a relapse into ersatz 'freedom'.

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