Friday, June 8, 2018

Private Property, Human Property, Non-Human Property

One argument in the German Ideology for the abolition of Private Property begins with the observation that the fundamental case of Private Property is the ownership of wife and children by a husband, i. e.: 1. Wife and children are slaves of the husband; 2. Such Private Property should be abolished; 3.  Therefore, all Private Property should be abolished.  But, the significant flaw in the apparent generalization is that it does not distinguish human property from non-human property.  For sure, the specific target--the ownership of the Means of Production, is that of non-human property.  But, that ownership mediates ownership of human property, i. e. of the Laborers who operate it, thereby adding the surplus-value that is the source of the idling owner's profit.  Otherwise, it does not follow that Private Property per se is exploitative.  So, the more precise analyses of exploitation that Marx presents later, in Capital, implicitly modify the scope of the Socialism called for in the earlier works, i. e. do not apply to non-exploitative Private Property.  In such a modification, the focus remains on the fundamental ill of Capitalism--exploitation.

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