Thursday, February 4, 2016

Species-Instinct and Herd-Instinct

A Species is not to be confused with a Herd--the latter is no more than a subset of the former, e. g. a Herder is a member of the former, but not of the latter.  Likewise, a Species-Instinct is not to be confused with Herd-Instinct, e. g. the most notable concept of the latter, Nietzsche's, connotes the meekness of sheep, a reference primarily to the shepherd-sheep imagery of Christianity  Nor, like Herd-Instinct, is Species-Instinct necessarily an Egalitarian principle.  For, that all members of a Species are equally of that type does not preclude internal differentiation, e. g. between Herder and Herd, as Nietzsche recognizes, though some interpret him as distinguishing Herd from Individual, an interpretation not supported by numerous passages.

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