Saturday, February 13, 2016

Atomization, Diversification, Society

If Individuation means Atomization, there is a discontinuity between Individual and Collective.  As a result, either one or the other has been treated as real, e. g. according to Nominalism, the latter is irreal, while according to Epiphenomenalism, it is the former that is irreal.  Correspondingly, the only two possible social systems are Anarchism and Totalitarianism, each of which trivializes the concept of System.  In contrast, if Individuation means Diversification, there is no incommensurate polarity of Unity and Multiplicity, only a continuum of greater and lesser degrees of tight-knittedness.  Similarly, a society the members of which are individuals in that sense, can be organized in a variety of different ways, each of which is coherent, and, depending on circumstances, appropriate.  For, example, loosely organized Capitalism can be effective in dissolving a Feudal Oligarchy, while Socialism can be an effective remedy for a Capitalist society that has become too fragmented.

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