Monday, January 13, 2020

Adaptation-Of and Comprehension

As has been previously discussed, Spinoza's recognition of the capacity of the human body to move and arrange external objects can serve as a foundation of a doctrine that aims at the cultivation of Techne.  But he misses the more relevant examples of that capacity--to grab, to hold, and to wield objects, which are distinctively human skills facilitated by the uniquely versatile human thumb.  In other words, it is because of the unprecedented capacity of specifically this part of the Body that Human Adaptation-Of far surpasses that of other species, e. g. the use of tools is grounded in the capacity to wield afforded by the thumb.  Now, according to Spinoza's Parallelism, the Mind has Knowledge of that capacity of the Body.  So, insofar as one characterization of that capacity is 'grasp', the apt term for the Knowledge of it is Comprehension, i. e. rather than Understanding, Reason, Intuition, etc.  Furthermore, insofar as wielding is part of that capacity, Comprehension is Technical Knowledge, not merely Theoretical Knowledge.  Thus, likewise, Comprehension is Knowledge of the Body's Adaptation-Of its Environment, so it is human Comprehension that is the Mental faculty that far surpasses the capacity to Comprehend that other species possess.

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