Friday, June 2, 2017

Narcissus and Observer Effect

The Narcissus of myth is transfixed by the beauty of an image, unaware that it is his own reflection.  In other words, the contemporary meaning of 'Narcissism'--'self-absorption'--pioneered by Freud, aped in the current American political scene, abstracts from the irony of the original tale.  In contrast, among those who have been mindful of that lesson have been Kant and the Gestalists, who have not merely posited, but have proven, that an object of perception can, at least in part, reflect the perceiver, i. e. because cognitive structures have contributed to the final product.  Thus, insofar as Modern Physics is conceived as Description, not Interpretation, it is Narcissistic, in the original sense of the term, i. e. Physicists are unaware that at least part of what they observe is a reflection of their own structuring of it, one consequence of which is an Observer Effect of which they are likewise unaware.

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