Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Economy and Growth

An increase in the height of a plant, but not that of a building can be characterized as 'growth'.  Similarly, 'X is growing' is meaningful only if the referent of 'X' is an organism.  However, insofar as it is unclear what the subject in the common phrase 'The Economy is growing' could denote, the proposition could be meaningless.  Thus, for example, if it mediately represents some increase in the Society to which 'The Economy' is implicitly attributed, then it is meaningful, but only if the 'Society' is an organized unity, not some mere aggregate.  But, Capitalism is Atomistic, and, hence, the collective of which it is the system is never more than an aggregate.  Thus, an utterance in contemporary America of "The Economy is growing" is usually either inaptly metaphorical, or unwitting propaganda.

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