Saturday, October 4, 2014

Individual, Dissociation, Hermit

Literally, 'individual' means 'undivided', and in Logic, it functions as a Quantifier of some given type.  In contrast, in common political parlance, it usually connotes 'dissociated'.  Now, dissociation can be absolute only in the case of a unique entity, e. g. a deity.  Furthermore, one, and perhaps, the only, case of dissociation from a species is the process of Mutation, as a phase in the origination of a new species.  Otherwise, within the human species, the closest approximation to absolute dissociation is the hermit, though the sometimes presumed 'self-sufficiency' of the latter tends to abstract from dependency on non-human Nature for survival, e. g. for food, shelter, etc.  Still, as appealing as that image might be under some circumstances, the promotion of it as a Political ideal is often a symptom of social decay, regarding which 'Individualists' tend to be unreflective.

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