Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Property, Abolition, Pluralization

We is a pluralization of I, not an abolition of it, e. g. not a reversion to some pre-Individuation condition.  Likewise, Our is a pluralization of My, not an abolition of it, e. g. not a reversion to some pre-privatization condition.  Now, the Collectivization promoted by Marxism is often represented, by both advocates and opponents, as an abolition of private property, especially of that of the means of production.  But, the pivotal concept of the doctrine, the 'alienation of the fruits of one's labor, presupposes an exclusive, perhaps 'natural', Right to what one produces through one's Labor.  So, Marxism is not internally contradictory only if Collectivization is Pluralization, a thesis which, if better recognized by all concerned parties, would advance the mode of conflict between them.

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