Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Strength, Numbers, Organization

Strength is not 'in numbers', it is in numbers organized.  One of the virtues of Democracy is that it potentially maximizes the total strength of its members, but, as may have troubled Nietzsche, it tends to lack the infra-structure that can best harness the plural powers.  Thus, part of the appeal of military action is that it supplies order, as is that of nostalgia for Monarchism, especially of the Medieval variety.  Rare examples of non-militaristic Democratic organization are the Peace Corps, and post-arms race extra-terrestrial exploration.  So, as Nietzsche discerns, a post-Theological vision of Humanity has yet to be explicitly established, leaving the species fundamentally disorganized, though the obvious trend towards inclusive globalization suggests that such a vision is gradually being developed.

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