Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Will, Mode, Extension

For Spinoza, 'Ethics' is a program of a Mode's realization of its divine nature. That realization consists not, as it sometimes taken to be, in the cognition that it is natura naturata, i. e. a created being, but in its actualization of its creativity, i. e. as part of natura naturans. Now, since there are two aspects to one and the same process of God's creativity--Thought and Extension--Modal creativity, too, consists in both Thought and Extension. Thus, for example, the cultivation of active intellectual processes, i. e. Reason and Intuition is one dimension of a Mode's realization of its creative nature. However, Spinoza devotes little attention to the corresponding physiological dimension, a neglect typified by his continued rendering of that dimension of a Mode as 'Body', i. e. as a created static entity, with no consideration of the processes of the active extending aspect of creativity. In contrast, for example, here, Will, the principle of Extending in Experience, has been developed and examined in detail. So, in the absence of an analogous exposition, the culmination of Spinoza's program reduces to the achievement of a moment of immobile, if not disembodied, contemplation.

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