Sunday, October 11, 2015

Prospectivism and Socialism.

Standard academic segregation of Philosophy and Political Science departments tends to obscure the Practical significance of Epistemological Theory.  For example, Locke's concept of Primary Qualities, as inhering in objects of Consciousness, connotes social commonality.  Likewise, Berkeley's reduction of them to Secondary Qualities is equivalent to a privatization of the erstwhile public sector, the fuller political consequences of which emerge when Smith eliminates his concept of the Common Good from the determination of personal behavior.  Similarly,  "for me" connotes property that is either received or taken.  In contast, in a "from me" concept of Consciousness, i. e. a Prospectivist one, what is fundamentally one's own is one's actions, from which it follows that any concept of common property is based on one of collaborative action.  So, a transition to Prospectivism can reinforce both the concept of Consciousness that Marx-Engels adopt, as well as the concept of Property that it entails.

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