Monday, October 5, 2015

Property, Practice, Consciousness

As has been previously discussed, the concept of Property, in an Economic sense, is derived from that of Use, i. e. an owned object is one that is available to be employed. Accordingly, the abolition of Private Property is equivalent to that of Exclusive Use, e. g. in a public library, an unused book is available to others, whereas a book in a private library that is not being read, is not. Now, Use connotes Practice. Hence, if there is a personal Consciousness that can be transformed by the transition to Socialism, it is the Practical variety, i. e. that which determines action, not the Theoretical variety, i. e. that which functions as an observer disengaged from its object, even from oneself. So, likewise, the Philosophical transition in priority from that of Theory, to that of Practice, can itself constitute a revolutionary moment.

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