Monday, June 30, 2014

Reason and Species

In "the laws of human reason . . . pursue the true interest and preservation of mankind", from II, 8 of Political Treatise, Spinoza could be alluding to the human capacity to adapt the resources of Reason to its own purposes.  But, it could also be implying that such Reason originates from within the human Mind, and is an expression of the structure of the latter.  For, the essence of Reason is the entailment relation between greater and lesser, e. g. between Universal and Particular.  So, insofar as a human includes both individual and species elements, Reason is first constituted as the relation of entailment between the latter and the former.  In other words, in Spinoza's naturalization of it, Reason is the species instinct as experienced by an individual, though he leaves unaddressed the relation between humanity and the rest of Nature.

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