Sunday, June 8, 2014

Reflection and Introspection

The application of Spinoza's distinction between Adequate and Inadequate to his concept of an Idea of an Idea suggests a corresponding contrast between Reflection and Introspection.  Now, an Adequate Idea consists in the understanding of Rational antecedents and consequence, and, is, simultaneously an Adequate Cause.  Thus, the "power of thinking" and the "realized power of action" (Ethics, II, vii) are identical, whether in his Deity or in one of its Modes, i. e. he conceives Understanding and Will as one and the same.  Hence, Logic and Psychology are, likewise, one and the same study in his system.  In contrast, based on the distinction between Logic and Medicine that he draws in the Preface to Part V, he would approve of the contemporary classification of Freudian 'Psychology' as a 'Medical' science.  Regardless, it follows that Introspection is edificatory only as an initial stage in the cultivation of Rational Conduct.

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