Monday, February 24, 2020

Philosophy, Organism, Political-Economy

The concept of Organism is only a recent appearance in Modern Philosophy, and the way it is treated is an indication of its inadequacy to what Evolutionism entails.  The two most prominent concepts of it are from Kant and Whitehead, and they share a combination of it, despite some differences, in terms of Efficient Causality and Teleological Causality.  So, in neither of these prominent cases, does Life, nor a One-Many structure seem, involved.  In other words, they seem bogged down by what seems to be irrelevant ancient Causality.  Spinoza at least seems occasionally to involve Formal Causality and Material Causality, which opens up the possibility of a One-Many analysis, though, he never seems to decide whether his concept of a Mode is an Atomist construction, or a Holist construction.  In either case, he never considers the possibility that the Species is the basic unit.  Consequently, Modern Philosophy has lacked the conceptual resources to resolve the Political and Economic problems that have been besetting Global society for the past several centuries.

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