Wednesday, February 21, 2018

World Wide Web and Alienation

Entailed in the Atomist concept of society is that of the independence of the personal Soul from the rest of society.  In contrast, the personal Soul in an Organicist concept of society is systematically related to every other personal Soul, and to the Soul of the Whole.  Correspondingly, the concept of Psychological Health can vary in accordance with the contrast between the two concepts of Society.  For example, Self-Sufficiency might be a Virtue in an Atomist society, but a symptom of Alienation in an Organicist society.  Thus, if the current incoherence between offline and online experience, previously discussed, were a source of a significant Psychological disorder, the condition would remain unknown to an Atomist Psychologist.  Accordingly, such an expert would be unable to detect if the emergence of the World Wide Web were an occasioning of an Alienation that has been a factor in, for example, any of the recent regular mass shootings in America.

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