Monday, February 26, 2018

Sense Experience and Communication

The standard classification of Berkeley as a British Empiricist tends to obscure one of his innovations.  Better recognized is that his reduction of all experience to Second Qualities constitutes a divergence from Empiricism to Phenomenalism, which consists in the complete privatization of Experience, influencing not only Hume and Smith, but Hegel and Husserl, as well.  However, the standard curriculum tends to under-emphasize Berkeley's own subsequent development--proposing that all such Phenomena are divine communications, thereby pioneering Semiotics prior to Peirce.  Accordingly, Sense Experience is conceived as inherently suffused with meaning beyond the immediately given data, as Husserl best recognizes.  But, the Internet suggests that even that revision of Empiricism might fall short.  For, the fundamental content of the World Wide Web is its binary language, in which even sights and sounds are expressed.  Hence, the medium perhaps demonstrates that Sense Experience is, even prior to any representational arrangement, a communication, the content of which is the immediately given data itself.  Such a concept of Sense Experience is anticipated by Aristotle, for whom a communicated datum is the Form of a perceptual object, i. e. since in his system, any Secondary Quality is a Form.  Thus, that basis, Berkeley could argue that since the ultimate source of the Form of any object in Aristotle's system is the deity of the latter, Sense Experience indeed is, as he proposes two millennia later, the reception of a divine communication.

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