Friday, April 15, 2016

Art and Species

For Nietzsche, as for Schopenhauer, Music is distinguished from others Arts as non-representational, though, as Painting merely a few decades later proves, the distinction is not permanent.  Another contrast is between Art as process vs. Art as product--Music, Dance, and Theater are the former, Painting and Sculpture, the latter, and any book is a product, the reading of which is a process.  A third ground of classification is the relation between Artist and audience: mediated, as in the case of books, or immediate, as in the case of a musical performance, though the composer-audience is mediated.  So, though Nietzsche does not focus on it, common to Music and Tragedy are that they are immediately communicated communal creative processes, crystallizing how Art is an essentially Species event, even in its less immediate, more dispersed modes.

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