Monday, April 22, 2013

Dissonance and Paradox

Perhaps the Philosophical version of Dissonance is Paradox, but not so much a Russellian intellectual puzzle as a Zen koan.  For example, the affirmation of Eternal Recurrence is paradoxical, because the act of affirmation simultaneously effects a denial of Eternal Recurrence, i. e. every repetition is a new repetition, and, thus, a non-recurrence.  Furthermore, in contrast with Russell's exercises, the act involves personal 'self'- reference, i. e. one's own act becomes a moment in the Recurrence, and, hence, therein one becomes an object to oneself.  Thus, the affirmation generates the same ironic self-awareness that the tragic hero achieves, according to Nietzsche's concept of Tragedy.  However, this concomitance of the Universal and the Individual is not dialectical--in that moment, the paradox is preserved, not negated, in the same way that, according to Nietzsche, Dissonance is expressed, not resolved, by the tragic artist.

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