Saturday, April 6, 2013

Birth and Tragedy

As has been previously discussed, Nietzsche finds in the Dionysian experience that is a phase of Tragedy, both Rapture and Rupture, which are seemingly incompatible, since in the former, two people can become "fused" (BT, sect. 1), while in the latter, they suffer, inversely, "dismemberment into individuals" (BT, sect. 2), a process of Individuation not to be confused with that governing Schopenhauer's concept of Representation.  However, allowing that the two events do not occur simultaneously, but sequentially, they are easily recognizable in the examples of sexual congress, followed by reproduction.  In other words, insofar as Rapture and Rupture are two stages of Tragedy--the third being Apollonian Vision--not only is Tragedy an Art-form that has a birth, but Birth is the central event of what Tragedy portrays.  Thus, his 'Birth of Tragedy' is also 'Birth as Tragedy'.

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