Monday, November 12, 2018

Marxism and Evolutionism

Evolutionary Logic consists in the following pattern: a novel element, e. g. a mutation, is introduced into a given structure, prompting a re-organization into a more complex structure.  So, a special case of Evolutionary Logic is the case of precisely two elements.  In other words Dialectical Logic is a special case of Evolutionary Logic.  Furthermore, there are two other ways that Evolutionism outstrips Marxism.  First, the Evolutionist concept of Natural History includes any concept of Human History, e. g. the Marxist concept.  Likewise, the Evolutionist concept of the Environment-Species relation includes any concept of the structure of Human society.  Accordingly, Marxist principles are subordinate to Evolutionist principles.  Thus, for example, the premise of the superiority of Socialism to Capitalism can be grounded on its greater effectiveness as a strategy of the adaptation of a species to its environment.

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