Monday, September 10, 2018

Individuality and Self-Interest

The concept Individual, commonly taken as given as such, is a two-fold product.  Originally a Quantity, it becomes a Substantive only by virtue of an abstraction, e. g. from individual human to 'the Individual'.  Furthermore, as a Quantity, it is the product of a derivation from some Universal, i. e. of Individuation.  Accordingly, if there is any inherent Economic tendency of someone qua Individual, it is towards Self-Sufficiency, i. e. towards being separate from others, not towards Survival, which is a tendency qua living being.  Similarly, if there is any Economic tendency inherent in Selfishness, it is towards Self-Sufficiency, not towards Profit.  Now, Profit could be in one's Self-Interest, but only as a means towards Self-Sufficiency.  However, Economic Self-Sufficiency entails that one has no needs beyond those satisfied by sowing what one has reaped.  In other words, Self-Sufficiency requires Work.  Hence, Profit for its own sake, or Profit as a means to Leisure, is inherently contrary to Individuality.

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