Saturday, February 14, 2015

Diversification, Freedom, Individuation, Equality

Diversification produces a distinctive entity, but not one that can thereby be characterized as 'free'. For, the difference of that entity is with respect to some antecedence, so it cannot be conceived in independence from what precedes it. Furthermore, insofar as the process generates a numerically single new element, it does not reduce to logical Individuation. For, Individual in that respect is always of a certain type, whereas, in some cases, e. g. Mutation, the novel item may not be of exactly the same type as that of which it is a variation. Finally, while the process entails no hierarchical ordering, it does not therefore reduce to an egalitarian development, either. For, mere Difference precedes any determination either of Inequality, or of Equality. So, none of these standard socio-political concepts seems adequate to Diversification.

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