Friday, May 24, 2019

Singular, Individual, Atomism

The Logical Quantity entailed in the concept of the Logical Atom is not Individual, but Singular.  While the former is the product of Individuation, i. e. of an instantiation of a Universal, the latter is sui generis.  Likewise, the Existential Quantifier of Modern Logic is Singular, not Individual.  Thus, an Individual of some type has an inherent relation with another Individual of the same type, whereas the relations between a Singular entity and all other entities are external, which is what is attributed to the Logical Atom.  Hence, Social Atomism is, properly, Singularism, not Individualism, as is the absolute independence from other members of a society that is often attributed to each.  Thus, the standard concept of Free Will, according to which some behavior is absolutely independent of any external influence, is a thesis that is both Psychological Atomist and Singularist.  Accordingly, one of Spinoza's aims is to undermine Psychological Atomism, by exposing the naivete of the presumption of Singularity in the everyday behavior of what, is, in fact, an Individual entity, though he leaves undeveloped his own concept of Individuation, as has been previously discussed.  The continuing lack of subsequent influence of Spinoza's project is regularly expressed in the continued presumption of Singularity in many dimensions of contemporary life, especially in the U. S.

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