Friday, November 17, 2017

Person, Polis, Internalization

Applying Leibniz' concept of Monadic Perception to Plato's writ small-writ large relation: a Person-Soul is an internalization of a unique perspective on the Polis.  Leibniz himself cannot conceive Appetition this way, since his Theological orientation requires a concept of the Person-Soul that is independent of the rest of the World.  But absent that orientation, a Person can be conceived as in interaction with each other member of a Polis, with behavior a Concrescence, to borrow from Whitehead, of all interactions. One important consequence of this model is that personal Happiness or Unhappiness is a reflection of a general social condition that is internalized, a concept of Psychology that is unrecognizable in an Atomist society, such as the contemporary U. S.  Nevertheless, it explains the uniqueness of a Person in a way that Individual, which is a generic concept, cannot.  Now, it is unclear if Plato would accept such a scheme; regardless it offers a derivation of Person-Soul from Polis-Soul in his Holism.

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