Thursday, November 30, 2017

Leader and Follower

The main works of Political Philosophy all appear in reaction to some problematic circumstances--the death of Socrates, the English Civil War, the decay of the Feudal order, etc.  And yet, each of them is presented as unconditioned, entailing universal truths--the Idea of the Good, Psychological Egoism, Individual Right, etc.  Accordingly, they preempt consideration of the significance and characteristics of Leadership, which, as has been previously discussed, is integral to periods of social transition.  Hence, for example, the Leader-Follower relation, which, because possibly obtaining in a period of dissolution, cannot be reduced to an eternal or institutional structure.  Hence, it cannot be easily attributed to Reason.  Instead, the perhaps uncanny resonance of a Leader in a Follower suggests a binding together, in particular circumstances, effected by an instinctual influence, e. g. a Species-drive.  So, insofar as in stable periods, a Leader-Follower relation underlies a Ruler-Ruled relation, i. e. accounts for a personal dimension that is otherwise lacking, e. g. compensated for by threats or promises, the major works ignore what might be a significant factor in a Political Philosophy.

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