Saturday, November 25, 2017

Action and Fallibility

As Whitehead posits, and Neurophysiology has confirmed, the stimulation of a sense-organ by some object, and its reception in the brain, are not simultaneous.  Accordingly, even if the initial content remains unmodified along the neural path, there is an irreducible differential between an object of perception and the cause of the perception.  But it does not necessarily follow from that differential that the perceptual field is irreal, or that any attempt to modify it is inherently in vain.  Rather, it can also follow that Action is inherently probable but fallible and experimental, which therefore grounds the shortcomings of an immanent Species-drive.  In other words, on that basis, there is not the need for an extrinsic rationale for the existence of disharmony, as there is if human existence is attributed solely to an omnipotent deity, e. g. the rationale that this is "the best of all possible worlds", or, equivalently "God moves in mysterious ways", or "God has a master plan".

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