Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Art, Communication, Mediation

By definition, Communication entails Mediation, i. e. expression and reception do not coincide, even the voice and hearing of one and the same person.  So, when Dewey characterizes some Communication, i. e. Art, as "unhindered", he can only mean 'least mediated'.  Now, among the factors that complicate Mediation are personal, cultural, and historical.  Thus, for example, the appreciation of most of Picasso's works is conditioned by familiarity with non-representational Painting.  Likewise, the impact of Hamlet on the contemporaries of Shakespeare may be beyond the grasp of some 21st-Century scholars--a problem that is analogous to that which is the basis of Nietzsche's effort to recover the original cultural function of Tragedy.  In contrast, probably the least contingent Language is Mathematics, from which it follows that the least mediated Art is the most Mathematical--Music.  Still, as is evinced by the greater general acceptance of Dissonance in the century after Wagner's innovations, Tonality can also be a variable in the communicability of Music.  But, Rhythm, apparently, less so, i. e. Dance Music is the least hindered Art, and, thus, is the paradigm of Communicability.

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