Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Skepticism, Rationalism, Empiricism

While Modern Rationalism begins with Cartesian Skepticism, Modern Empiricism culminates in Humean Skepticism.  The primary target of the former is Sense-Data, that of the latter is connections between Sense-Data.  With the advantage of being subsequent, Hume targets the two presumed survivers of Cartesian Skepticism--the I, and proofs of the existence of a deity.  For example, he dissolves the 'I' into a 'bundle of perceptions'.  However, in doing so, he betrays his method, by not applying it to the concept of a 'bundle'.  That lapse is a tip-off that he shares with Descartes the same general falsification--abstracting his exercise of Skepticism from the actual concrete immediately given, i. e. an I that is sitting at a desk conducting the exercise in a continuous piece of writing.  Likewise actually at a desk writing, while purporting to dissolve Bacon's original Empiricist method of observation, repetition, and generalization, are the intermediary Skeptics of Rationalism--Locke and Berkeley.  So, the two main doctrines of Modern Philosophy, Rationalism and Empiricism, are each a variety of selective Skepticism that falsifies its initial conditions.  Consequently, their shared concept of a methodical I becomes completely obscured, and virtually lost to history.

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