Saturday, September 23, 2017

Mind and Binarity

The binarity of Mind is evident in the sensory-motor duality of the brain, i. e. is the end-point of the reception of information, and the origin of motility, from which follow the pairs of Cognition-Volition, and Theory-Practice.  Furthermore, Motility is itself constituted by a coordinated multiplicity of motions, even simple walking, and, hence, combines the Material Principle, i. e. multiple particular impulses, and the Formal Principle, that unites them in a pattern.  However, what has complicated the study of these twofold phenomena is a commitment to reductionism that forces the suppression or subordination of one of the principles, usually the Material one, e. g. the subordination of Practice to Theory, the effort to attribute causal efficacy to mere Contemplation, etc.  But, the abandonment of often strained Monism, implicit or explicit, leaves the binary character of Mind easier to recognize.

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