Thursday, September 28, 2017

Henosis, Empowerment, Enlightenment

One prominent Ancient Monadist, properly Monist, unlike Leibniz, is Plotinus, whose system is probably best known for the Emanation that is his characterization of the Monad's creativity of the Universe.  Now, within this Universe, the peak experience of a created being is Henosis--its fusion with the Monad--an experience that Plotinus reportedly attributes to both Plato and Aristotle, as well.  But, Henosis is not to be confused with the retrospective interpretation it, e. g. in Plotinus' case, the moment of a created being's awareness of its own divine creativity, retrospectively reduced to a mere Intuition.  Likewise, Plato does not thereby do Good when encountering the Form of the Good, but merely knows it, while Aristotle's Active Mind is most fulfilled when merely contemplating eternal principles.  In Modernity, too, the unity of a Spinozist Mode with its creative deity is Intuition, as is Bergson's experience of Creative Energy.  In other words, Plotinus epitomizes the long-standing philosophical tendency of reducing Henosis from a moment of Empowerment, to that of Enlightenment, i. e. from a dynamic moment with consequences, to a self-contained static one.

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