Saturday, May 7, 2016

Psyche, Health, Reason

It is unclear if Freud's Id-Ego-Superego model of the Psyche is intended to correspond in some respect to Aristotle's Vegetative-Animal-Rational model.  Regardless, the latter includes a component that is significantly absent in the former.  For, Aristotle also offers a definition of Psychic Health--Balance, achieved via the application of a Rational principle, i. e. a Mean, to the Animal pursuit of apparent Goods.  In contrast, while Health in specific cases may be obvious, e. g. a limb no longer paralyzed, Freud offers no general concept of it constituted by some configuration of the three elements.  Nor, because there is no indication in it of a corresponding respect for Reason, there is no obvious translation of Aristotle's criterion into Freud's model.  So, in the absence of any inhering concept of Health, Freudian Psychoanalysis remains susceptible to extrinsic conditioning, e. g. irrational Capitalist norms.

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