Monday, May 9, 2016

Psyche and Species

Any Organism has both a principle of Diversification and a principle of Unity.  Thus, likewise, insofar as a Species is an Organism of which its members are its parts, it has a principle of each.  Accordingly, each principle is instantiated in the Psyche of each member of a Species.  Thus, each human is motivated by both a drive to disassociate with others, and a drive to associate with others, i. e. instantiating each of the two principles.  In contrast, traditional concepts of the Psyche have usually been Atomistic, i. e. presupposing the essential disassociation of an individual member, on the basis of which relations with others is a contingent problem, e. g. Aristotle's concept of Friendship cannot be derived from his concept of a Mean, Freud conceives the Libido as essentially in conflict with the Superego.  So, the premise of the equiprimordiality of the two principles transforms Psychology into a study of other than merely private motivation.

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