Sunday, May 15, 2016

Narcissus and Narcissism

Though Narcissism and Capitalism are each conceived as modes of Egoism, the connection seems to be rarely entertained.  For example, even Marcuse does not exlicitly recognize that Capitalism can be diagnosed as a Sublimation of Narcissism, and, while Narcissism is widely accepted to be a disorder, few seem willing to abandon the Economic system that promotes it.  Regardless, lost in these modernizations of the imagery is that the original Narcissus is more than self-absorbed--he is immobilized, as well.  So, a transcending of Narcissism that goes beyond the mere Sublimation of it is a becoming active.  But, becoming active does not imply non-self-observation; rather, in it, the proper function of self-observation is revealed--to organize and guide what one is doing.  In the process, the development of Narcissism is also revealed--it is self-observation that has strayed from its healthy function in a dynamic vital process.  On that basis, Narcissism, Sublimated or not, is a psychological disorder, contrary to its analysis by Freud and Marcuse each.

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