Monday, May 23, 2016

Language and Psyche

Freudian Psychoanalysis is a theory second, and a therapeutic method first.  Its primary medium is Language, i. e. the exchange between therapist and patient, as opposed to, say, Art.  But, the use of Language, as trans-personal and rule-governed, can be attributed to only the Superego, thereby potentially compounding the repression that is presumably being treated.  Implicit in that use is an aspect of the Psyche that neither Freud nor Marcuse seems to address--the capacity to verbally communicate, which, as an instinct, must be part of the Id, but, as entailing the existence of others, must be more than merely internal to an individual member of the species.  Their inattention to that capacity is, thus, a symptom that the model of the Psyche that each accepts is, as Atomistic qua independent of the existence of others, already a product of the isolation that typifies their Secondary Narcissism.

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