Thursday, January 7, 2016

Macro-Evolution and Micro-Evolution

Some Darwinists distinguish the origination of a species from adaptive variation by the contrast of 'Macro-evolution' and 'Micro-evolution', respectively.  However, if that terminology is designed to resolve an incoherence in the theory, any success is only nominal.  For, the proposed classification overlooks, and thereby further suppresses, a more fundamental distinction between the two--that between Evolution and Variation.  While the latter involves merely the introduction of a new feature, the former is constituted by both the introduction of, and the incorporation of, a novelty into the given.  For example, the development of coloring in a fish that allows it to better hide from a predator is an adaptive Variation, while the emergence of lungs and some musculature that transforms a fish into an amphibian is the origination of a species, i. e. it is Evolution, since the novelty is incorporated into the given.  So, the nomenclature only underscores the incoherence in Darwinism of its Evolution and Survival principles.

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