Thursday, August 1, 2013

Potentism, Leader, Follower

One constant through all phases of Nietzsche's career is his high esteem for Education--his early honoring of Schopenhauer as "educator"; Zarathustra's proclaiming himself as the "teacher" of the Overman; and, at the end of Twilight of the Idols, Nietzsche characterizes himself as the "teacher" of Eternal Recurrence.  Furthermore, as has been previously discussed, Education is a type of Examplification.  Thus, it is no stretch of the text to interpret the 'bestowing gold' from Z as a symbol of the process of Education.  Now, entailed in the concept of Education is the teacher-learner relation, which can be generalized as one of leader-follower, e. g. conductor-musician, director-actor, etc.  Accordingly, if there is any paradigmatic 'class distinction' that is inherent to Potentism, it is the Leader-Follower relation, in terms of which the Master-Slave and Commander-Obeyer ones are subject to revaluation.

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